Category: Grease Trap Cleaning

cleaning toilet once a week

How to Safely Dispose of Household Items in a Septic System

Septic systems play a crucial role in managing household wastewater efficiently and safely. However, not all household items are suitable for disposal in the septic system. Improper disposal of certain materials can lead to clogs, system malfunctions, and even environmental contamination. Proper Flushing Down the Toilet Toilet paper is designed to break down easily in… Read more »

Washing dishes without dumping unnecessary items down the drain

Four Things to Never Put Down the Drain

In a pinch, it’s easy to throw anything and everything down the household drain for quick disposal. However, there are some things you should not put down the train for fear of ruining your pipes or contaminating natural waterways. If you have a septic system, it’s also important to keep an eye on what you… Read more »

Common Grease Trap Problems You Should Be Aware Of

At Freedom Septic Service, we offer a variety of services in order to keep your drain and sewage systems running properly, including grease trap repairs. Whether you own a residential or commercial property, there are a few things you can do to keep the grease traps in your building as clean as possible. We’ve already… Read more »

Grease trap waste disposals and restaurants

Understanding and Maintaining a Grease Trap

How Do Grease Trap Work? Various establishments need grease traps for their large kitchens. Schools, businesses, and hospitality services use these traps to contain waste, grease, and other things that shouldn’t go down a drain. Some people, particularly restaurant workers, have had the unfortunate experience of dealing with a full or broken grease trap. The… Read more »

Disposing of cooking grease properly

Why is Grease Bad for Your Home?

We all know greasy foods can be bad for us, but grease can also be bad for your home. When you cook with oil and create grease in your pans, you never want to throw that grease down the drain. It can be devastating for your drainage systems and cause problems. You’ll have to repair… Read more »